Thursday, February 23, 2012

mon petit artiste

as it turns out aya loves art! no surprise there as almost all children have a love for creating. her favourite as of late has been playing with tempera paints on paper and canvas...
early morning painting

Thursday, February 16, 2012

valentines day

this valentines day was super fun! cupcakes, champagne, heart pancakes and strawberries, flower tea, the park, a crow fight,  4 moms, 4 little girls and jamie!
heart pancakes for breakfast
 i love you

Saturday, February 4, 2012

ayas first squirrel spotting

the day aya went for a walk
she spotted a squirrel
but he ran away
so she gathered some acorns
and waited...
until the squirrel came back (he was hungry)
then he ran away again!
then aya walked home all by herself!
the end

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

a day at the farm

last weekend aya and i went out to a farm for the day. we met a big farm cat who she loved. all in all it was quite the little adventure...
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